Starting the year with a BANG at Turbo Jam in Indianapolis, IN
Turbo Jam was finally here! After 5 months of preparation our teams were ready to perform. The teams did a great job at their first competition of the season. The coaches were very proud of their athletes. Thank you for all the effort from our athletes, families and coaches to help make this season start out with a BANG. We are looking forward to a great season and can't wait to watch these teams grow together! See you all in Cincinnati!

Space Ranges
Had a clean routine! 0 deductions
They received 1st out of 2 teams and was crowned Level 2 Grand Champion!
Had a great day with only one stunt fall.
They received 1st out of 5 teams and was crowned Level 3 Grand Champion!
Wolf Pack
Had a clean routine. With a legality deduction.
They received 1st out of 3 teams and was crowned Level 1 Grand Champion!
Flight Crew
Had great day with a few tumbling touch downs, stunt bobble and a legality.
They received 1st out of 5 teams.
Scream Team
This team performed thier hearts out and had a clean routine with a legality.
They received 1st out of 2 teams and was crowned Level 4 Grand Champion!